Bunk beds are a best way to maximize space and child love bunk beds. It gives them the chance to have adventures, explore and share all while they are getting ready to sleep. Double decker beds transform the fear bedtime into “fun-time.” But before all of the fun start you want to make sure the bunk bed you are purchasing is safe for your lovely child!
The first thing you need to ensure is that the furniture you intend to buy complies with the Consumer Product Safety Commission standards.
Bunk Bed
A key feature that will not lead you wrong is purchasing a bunk bed that has a solid wood/steel construction. Better yet, solid wood/metal construction, something like Maple, or oak. The harder the wood/metal, the stronger the bunk will be and the longer lifetime will last. In Generally, a bunk bed that is constructed of solid hardwoods or metal. It will be higher price than a product that uses normal materials. However, your normal material wood will have a lower weight capacity and will not be as lasting as a solid wood/metal constructed bunk. The deal is quality and lifespan of furniture. You pay for quality now but you have the piece of mind that it will not broke down on you within few years (especially with active kids).
Weight quality is very important (especially with active childs). Kids like to have fun and jump on their bunk bed, and have fun usually means being on the same bed together, rough-housing, or jumping around. Again, the thick and strong the bed the higher weight quality it will have. The weight quality for a queen sized bunk is about 300 kg and 400 kg for a full size. There are however companies such as Ideal Furniture which certify their bunk beds up to 500 kg of pressure weight. This is once again due to the fact that they use 100% solid metal material.
When selecting your bunk/double decker bed, be make sure there are no gaps or openings smaller than 3.5″ or larger than 9″. The height of gaps between the the mattress and the rail must be at lest 5.” For the top bunk it is important that outcrop are no higher than 5″ on the bed post to avoid strangulation danger. Also, make sure the coating and the finishes that are used do not contain any lead, and are non-toxic. .
Let browse through the extensive catalogs for solid wood, loft beds and other incredible children room solutions at http://www.idealfurniture.com.my/bed-katil/